About Us

Hello Everyone, I am Rajat S. and I am the Founder of SearchInventure.com.

So What We do? We have been using Digital and Content Marketing for the last 3 years and had success. We also developed an understanding of computer science technology since we leverage the search tech to benefits the business. It is always an advantage to have Computer Knowledge when you dealing with websites and search algorithms.
I got started with the eCommerce business where I created funnels integrated with Paid Marketing (PPC), made some mistakes but learned a lot in the Digital industry, and slowly begins to understand the power of organic traffic from search engines which is called search engine optimization aka SEO.
In this venture, I will guide you through various learning and teachings from the experience I gained from all these years of working. I started this project in the year 2019.

Why are we here?

I have experimented with several things in digital marketing and We are going to provide valuable information in the straight and easiest way possible.
The best thing I liked about content marketing is that the business is very simple yet very much effective and powerful, as you gain authority your revenue gets increase overtime.
As computer technology is changing the way of doing business is also changing. Since we are based on technology, we have to keep learning the shaping ourselves according to business.

Content Marketing with SEO

All these years the one thing I noticed no matter what the content is always been the first priority of search engines and to get real success we have to follow the same rules. Here at searchinventure, we are interested in creating SEO-optimized content.
Here we share tips and tricks about the ranking of the content and leveraging social media to generate sales and leads for your business or your clients, beginners or advance both can follow us cause we going to cover everything in-depth.
Below are things you going to get from us.

  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Search Engine Marketing.
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • News From Search industry.
  • Content Marketing
  • Blogger Tricks
  • Monetization Method.

All content will be completely optimized for better results because we made experiments and trials before we put out this knowledge.

After the revolution of the internet and increased inaccessibility, most of the real opportunities lie on it. Search Engine Giants built their legacy on the internet with includes the people like us, almost 3 billion searches happen every day on google, and they look for solutions through products or information.

All these things start by learning the basics of digital marketing
Must Read: Why don’t you start from learning about Search Engine Optimization in-depth.

Our Purpose:

At Search Inventure we promise that we will provide quality content with authoritative analysis backed and linked by the other authority websites.
Our goal is to create a portal of information the people can rely on and take optimized steps according to it.
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