How To Insert A Checkbox In Google Docs

Are you keen to learn how to insert a checkbox in Google Docs? Checkboxes are commonly used on forms and surveys to allow respondents to select more than one option from a given list. They’re also helpful for creating lists and To-Do items that can be quickly ticked off. Interestingly, you can also insert checkboxes into your Google Docs documents. This can be useful for creating interactive forms and surveys or simply for making lists that are easy to check off. 

Inserting a checkbox in Google Docs is easier than you might think. Open your Google Docs document. Click the “Format” from the menu, then “Bullets & Numbering”, and “Checkbox.” Use “Ctrl + Shift + 9” for a keyboard shortcut to insert a checkbox. You should now see a checkbox symbol appear in your document. Remove a checkbox by simply positioning the cursor and selecting the Delete button.

This article further discusses why you might want to insert checkboxes, things you should know about them, and how to insert them. So, let’s dive right into it!

Reasons To Insert A Checkbox In Google Docs

There can be many reasons why you may want to insert checkboxes into your Google Docs. 

For example:

  • You may be creating an interactive form or survey that requires respondents to select more than one option from a given list.
  • You may be making a To-Do list with items that need to be checked off.
  • You may merely want to create a list that is simple to tick off.

Whatever your reason, inserting checkboxes into your Google Docs is easy.

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Things You Should Know About Inserting Checkboxes In Google Docs

Before we show you how to insert checkboxes, you should know a few things about them.

  • Checkboxes can only be inserted into Google Docs. They cannot be inserted into Google Sheets.
  • Checkboxes can be toggled on and off by clicking on them.
  • To delete a checkbox, simply select it and push the “Delete” key on your keyboard.

Now that you know the basics let’s show you how to insert checkboxes into your Google Docs document!

How To Insert A Checkbox In Google Docs

Inserting checkboxes into your Google Docs document is easy to do! Simply follow the steps below.

  1. Open your Google Docs document that requires a checklist.
  2. Click the “Format” from the menu > “Bullets & Numbering” > “Checkbox.”
  3. Press and hold “Ctrl + Shift + 9” together for a keyboard shortcut to insert a checkbox. 
  4. You should now see a checkbox symbol appear in your document.
  5. Remove a checkbox by simply positioning the cursor over it and pressing the Delete button.


This article provides all you need to know about how to insert checkboxes on Google Docs. It’s super easy, and it becomes effortless with a keyboard shortcut to remember. We also discussed some reasons you may want to insert checkboxes and things you should know about them. Try it and see how easy it is!

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